In this video Kent explains some of the key reasons for poor battery contact and loss of voltage to important electrical components. If you want your later model Mercedes to run a peak performance pay attention to your battery. All kinds of weird things can happen to a computer aged vehicle when the computers and electric control units do not receive 12 + volts.

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Kents shows examples of problems he found on a 1989 300E and a 2000 E430. These type of problems can happen on older cars and other makes as well.
Related Repair Details NOT included: This video stresses the importance of good battery contacts and grounds. It does not cover battery maintenance and restoration, battery types, charging systems, or how to troubleshoot a persistant discharge problem.
Chassis/Models Used in Production: 1989 300E and 2000 E430
Applies to the Following Chassis/Models: Although most comments related to newer models with computers the principles apply to all older Mercedes Benz
Total Run Time: 8:16 Minutes
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Important note: This video manual may or may not include all the information you will need to troubleshoot and/or repair your specific problem/s. Please read the full description carefully to determine if this video is applicable to your year and model and contains the information you are looking for. If not, please refer back to our "Solutions Finder" and enter your chassis number and the specific problem you are having to see if we offer a solution.