This spark plug tool set works on all Mercedes V8 gas engines from 1969 to 1991. Bonus starter hose included.
This universal 13/16-inch spark plug socket comes with 14-inch and 3-inch extensions. On some V8s, you have very limited room to get to the rear sparkplugs. You can use the short extension. You can use the long extension for quicker access to the ratchet wrench out in the open. The flexible socket will let you get on the plug at almost any angle and has an internal rubber grip to hold the plug. HERE IS A TIP: If you want to reduce the flex of the "flop" of the universal on the socket, wrap it with black electric tape or slip on and heat up some shrink tubing. The more you cover it with tape, the less it will flex! Watch the video below as Kent demonstrates how to use the tools.
M116 and M117 V-8 Engines Super Flexible Spark Plug Socket w /Extensions
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