Kent and Kaia,
I have had my 1992 300TE for 6 years. I just received the 124 chassis blower motor brushes and manual. This was the first nice day we have had in Tennessee lately so after taking my kids to school I decided to replace the brushes in my 300 TE. Took me less than 2 hours and was much easier than I expected. The manual was EXTREMELY clear and easy to understand. Would not even be able to find blower brush replacement in most of the usual shop manuals (they will just talk you through motor r/r). I expected as one does that when I completed repair it might not solve my problem, but in this case I started up the blower motor with case apart and it instantly came on. WOW! I would recommend this repair manual to anyone with average mechanical skills, and would have to say that the soldering was the more difficult part. Heat shields were invaluable and repair probably impossible without them. Thanks again!
Jerry H.