This video instruction will walk you through the step-by-step procedure of how to do a "service" on your power steering system. This includes changing the filter in the pump and flushing the old fluid out of the system while installing new high performance synthetic fluid at the same time. The procedure is not difficult and can be done in your own garage. It is recommend you have a floor jack and possibly jack stands and know how to use them as you will need to raise the front of your car off the ground with the wheels mouted. This fluid and filter change is often neglected. It should be done every 5 years or 30,000 to 40,000 miles to extend the life of your power steering pump and steering gear box. Excess play in your steering can be a result of lack of proper service.
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Total Run Time: 24:44 NOTE: This video is included free when purchasing our complete flush kit. See related products below.
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