WARNING: PLEASE confirm you have the original engine in your diesel BEFORE ORDERING this kit. We keep getting owners ordering this kit only to find out a later model engine has been installed. This happens quite often. Make certain your engine has the BIG glow plugs in the head - not the smaller pencil type. If you are not sure, PLEASE email us before you order! If you own an early 5-cylinder non-turbo diesel, then this is a must-have diesel engine kit! This glow plug upgrade will do three things that will put a smile on your face: 1. Your engine will start faster and cold idle smoother. 2. Your glow plugs will last longer. 3. If you should burn out one or two glow plugs, your engine (if healthy) will still start! If you have ever been stranded with bad glow plugs before, you know the frustration. This kit will allow you to throw away your old series-style glow plugs forever and replace them with the more efficient pencil-style parallel glow plugs used in the newer diesels.

Product Details
The complete kit includes the following:
- 5 German-made Fast glow plugs ( large thread type)
- Four special wire connectors
- complete installation instructions specific to 1977 to 1979 models in PDF download format
There are no special tools required. Once completed, you will immediately notice an improvement in your start times. Could starts can be done with only 8 to 12 seconds of glow time, and hot starts with 2 to 3 seconds. You will love this upgrade!
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR 1975-76 115 OWNERS: The included instruction book is written specifically for the W123 300D and the pictures are taken from that chassis. The general principles of installation are the same for the 115 chassis. You can use the manual to help you understand how to install the new glow plugs and wires properly. There are two major differences on the 1975 and 1976 300D that are not covered in the manual.
1. In the manual, a reference is made concerning the glow plug fuse on the firewall. This information will NOT apply for the W115 300D. It does not have that fuse arrangement. There is no replaceable fuse for the glow relay.
2. The 1975 and 1976 300D have a huge temperature sensor that GROUNDS the circuit for the old series-style plugs. This sensor DOES NOT supply power to the glow plugs but rather grounds the circuit for longer periods when the engine is cold. When the engine is hot, it shortens the glow cycle by cutting out the ground to prevent overheating the plugs and overstressing the glow relay when the original series (loop style) plugs are installed. When you install the parallel FAST glow plugs, you do NOT need or want this ground sensor in the system. SEVERE WARNING. If you do hook this sensor up to your new fast glow plugs you were BURN THEM OUT VERY QUICKLY!! Leave this sensor in the head and just tie the wire from it out of the way so it does not touch any part of the new glow plugs or wiring.
PLEASE NOTE: Pre-glow operation is the same on both chassis.
It is important to understand that you will lose a correct-functioning glow light when you install these new plugs. You will have to use a mental count to determine how long you have your key turned to the glow position. Once completed, you will immediately notice an improvement in your start times. Cold starts can be done with only 8 to 12 seconds of glow time, and hot starts with 2 to 3 seconds. You will love this upgrade!
SVO WVO: This is a must-have if you plan to run straight vegetable oil fuel.
If your factory relay is acting up or not working properly, this kit will not work. I recommend you purchase our complete kit with a manual push-button control. You can also opt for the kit shown below, which bypasses your factory relay and gives you "push-button" manual control.
Mercedes Early 300D 300CD 300TD Non-Turbo Glow Relay Manual Override Kit w/ Upgrade Plugs
1975 to 1979 5 cylinder non-turbo models: Alternative to unreliable factory preglow system
Fits the Following, 1975 to 1976 ONLY 115 chassis 300D and 123 chassis 300D 300CD and 300TD from 1977 to 1979 with series style loop glow plugs. SVO / WVO applicable. If you are tired of glow plug problems, then this kit is made for you. How would you like to start your old diesel in 10 to 15 seconds? How would you like to be able to still start your car with one or two glow plugs burned out? How would you like to be able to control when and how long your glow plugs stay on? Maybe you have had the experience of glow-cycling your engine two or three times on those cold winter mornings or worse yet, maybe you have had the misfortune of having your glow relay staying on and not shutting off.