If you smell fuel inside your engine compartment you need to find the source of the leak and fix it IMMEDIATELY. I think we have all personally seen or seen pictures of those cars with the engine burning on the side of the road. Yes, usually caused by a fuel leak close to the engine!!!

Product Details
In this video Kent will show you one of the key components on these fuel injection systems that leak fuel. Granted it is not much but definitely enough to cause an engine fire. It is called the EHA valve and it is located under the air filter housing.
The video will cover inspection, removal of the valve and replacement of the 0-rings. Keep in mind as he points out in this video that the valves themselves sometimes leak and that replacing the 0-rings is no guarantee that the fuel leak will be stopped. But since the o-rings are so inexpensive and the valve is quite expensive, it is definitely worth replacing the 0-rings first to see if the leak stops.
Total Run Time: 4:10
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