Watch all seven videos in this series - and learn how to get your gas Mercedes starting and idling better. - Save $24.94 buying the collection!
Too many emails on this subject pretty much forced Kent to do this almost 3 hour long video class. If you are having problem starting your old 1976 to 1993 Mercedes with Bosch C.I.S. fuel injection this is a must see. Remember, this class focuses on engines that turn over with the starter but will not fire, run, or keep running. If you have a problem with your engine not turning over with the starter motor this is NOT covered in this video class.
Gas Engine Spins But Won’t Start - Video Class with Kent Bergsma
Product Details
There are seven videos or seven sessions to watch. They are broken down as follows. Please watch the following free Youtube video and you will learn exactly what is included and what specific cars Kent uses for his no start examples.