Specific to the 2003 to 2006 SL500 with the M113 V8 engine only. WILL NOT FIT the SL55 AMG. I know that many, including some coil-over sellers, recommend just leaving the original pump and hoses in place and plugging them where they attach to the four struts, but I can almost guarantee you will have problems in the future, either with a noisy failing pump, leaking hydraulics, or a possible pump seizure affecting your existing power steering. And besides, you are wasting engine power by having it drive that heavy pump! This pump will replace that heavy, troublesome pump with an original-style non-ABC pump along with a correct non-ABC fluid reservoir tank that will cleanly fit on top of the new pump. That will allow you to remove BOTH original ABC tanks to clean up your engine compartment. We also offer a conversion kit for the 2000 to 2006 CL215 and W220 with ABC. Please see below.

Product Details
Once you remove the ABC pump, this new pump will bolt right to the engine without bracket or alignment modification. Kent includes video instructions here to show you how to remove the heavy dual-purpose pump and install this much lighter one in its place. The pulley lines up with your other pulleys, and the original belt can be used.
The included fluid tank is the standard tank used on other non-ABC M113 V8 engines. You might be surprised at how well it lines up with the castings on your engine. One hole in the front of the engine is not threaded on ABC engines. Kent included the correct tap and new bolt, so you can make this easy modification. A fitting and some extra hose are included if you need to extend your return hose to mate up to the new tank. See notes below for the replacement power steering fluid needed.
Full video instructions are included on mounting the new pump and tank and properly filling and bleeding the system.
The kit includes the following:
- Brand new standard power steering pump with new pulley
- New plastic reservoir tank
- New correct seal and clip to mate tank to the pump
- Tap to thread a small mounting hole to attach the front of tank
- Correct bolt and washer to attach the tank
- Hose to bleed air out of the system when installing new tank and fluid w/ silicone cap
- 12 inches of extra hose and 2 clamps to use for attaching return hose if needed
- Blue nitrile gloves
- Video instructions x 3
Here is a picture of how this tank is mounted to the standard power steering pump.
Kent recommends installing an inline magnetic filter to increase the service life of your new pump. See related products below.
One little challenge you may have is lining up the end of the power steering hose to the new pump. In most cases, it will not line up perfectly to get the threads started. You will need to carefully bend the hose. Make certain you can start the threads by hand two to three turns BEFORE you even put a wrench on the nut.
When you remove and replace the ABC pump with this stock M113 power steering pump, you can use the specified standard power steering fluid or a non-ABC M113 engine. This is not included in the kit. You can purchase locally, or you can purchase 2 liters from us ( you will need about a liter and a half). Please take a look at the related products below.