If your engine is just running hot, it may be due to a plugged radiator or possibly a stuck thermostat. If your engine is just losing coolant it could be a leak in the water pump, radiator or hoses. But, if an engine is running hot and losing coolant at the same time, it is a good indication there could be a serious problem and it should be checked into right away. Just don't keep driving the car or you can ruin the engine.

Product Details
In this video Kent will walk you through some of the basic tests you should perform when trying to diagnosis this type of problem. Please keep in mind this is a diagnostic video and does not contain any step by step details of the actual testing or of making actual repairs. Using an example of a 300D he will show you the results of doing a cooling system pressure test as well as a cranking compression test. Detailed instructions on how to do these tests are NOT included in this videol You will get to see first hand what happens if you try to use block sealer or just keep dumping straight water into the engine. At the end of the video you will learn what the tests showed and what will have to be done next - including some of the parts you should order if you plan to remove the cylinder head for further diagnosis of the problem.
Related Repair Details NOT included: No actual repair work is covered in this video. This covers diagnosis only.
Chassis/Models Used in Production: 1982 300D
Applies to the Following Chassis/Models: Applies specifically to all diesels but also indirectly to gasoline engines as well. Both types of engines can suffer from the same symptoms caused by similar problems.
Total Run Time: 9:14
See related products below for a sample of resources we carry to help with engine overheating problems.
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Important note: This video manual may or may not include all the information you will need to troubleshoot and/or repair your specific problem/s. Please read the full description carefully to determine if this video is applicable to your year and model and contains the information you are looking for. If not, please refer back to our "Solutions Finder" and enter your chassis number and the specific problem you are having to see if we offer a solution.